Home World updates Al-Hijra (Islamic New Year) 2024

Al-Hijra (Islamic New Year) 2024


Al-Hijra, also known as the Islamic New Year, marks the beginning of a new year in the Islamic calendar. Here’s a breakdown of key points:

  • Date: The Islamic calendar is lunar-based, so the date of Al-Hijra changes every year.
  • 2024: In 2024, Al-Hijra falls on the evening of Sunday, July 7th and lasts through Monday, July 8th.
  • Significance: It commemorates the Hijra, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) migration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE. This event marked a turning point in Islamic history, establishing the first Muslim community.


  • Unlike major holidays like Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha, there are no specific religious rituals for Al-Hijra.
  • It’s generally considered a day of reflection on the struggles and triumphs of the early Muslims.
  • Some Muslims attend special lectures or gatherings to learn more about the significance of the Hijra.
  • In some cultures, it’s becoming more common to exchange greetings or send cards for the Islamic New Year.

Public Holiday:

  • Al-Hijra is a public holiday in some Muslim-majority countries, including the United Arab Emirates.
  • On this day, government offices, schools, and many businesses may be closed.

Additional Information:

  • There’s a minority view among Twelver Shia Muslims who believe the Islamic New Year falls on the first of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the month the Hijra actually took place in.

Al-Hijra (Islamic New Year) FAQs

What is Al-Hijra?

Al-Hijra, also known as the Islamic New Year, marks the beginning of a new year in the Islamic lunar calendar. It commemorates the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) migration from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE, a pivotal event in Islamic history.

When is Al-Hijra?

The Islamic calendar is lunar-based, so the date of Al-Hijra changes every year. In 2024, it falls on the evening of Sunday, July 7th.

How is Al-Hijra celebrated?

Unlike major Islamic holidays, Al-Hijra isn’t celebrated with specific rituals. It’s a day for reflection on the struggles and triumphs of early Muslims. Some Muslims attend lectures or gatherings to learn more about the Hijra’s significance. In some cultures, exchanging greetings or sending cards for the Islamic New Year is becoming more common.

Is Al-Hijra a public holiday?

Yes, Al-Hijra is a public holiday in some Muslim-majority countries, including the United Arab Emirates. Government offices, schools, and many businesses may be closed on this day.

What are some differences in observing Al-Hijra?

A minority view among Twelver Shia Muslims believes the Islamic New Year falls on the first of the lunar month Rabi’ al-Awwal, the month the actual migration occurred.

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