E-Pass will be mandatory from May 7 for visits to Edakkara and Ooty, check at Nilgiri border checkposts. All those entering the Nilgiris, even if the journey is not to Ooty, need an e-pass. E-pass is obtained through the website epass.tnega.org. Information such as the number of vehicles entering Nilgiris, number of visitors, number of days staying and place of residence should be provided.
The e-pass will be checked at border check posts like Nadukani, Pattavayal, Kakanahalla, Talur and Choladi entering the Nilgiris. Vehicles registered in Nilgiris do not require e-Pass. Similarly, tourists traveling in buses are also exempted.
E-Pass is mandatory from 7th to 30th June. The intervention of the Madras High Court came when traffic jams were common during the rush of tourists coming to Ooty during the season and more tourists than could be accommodated came to visit and created a big crisis. Traders are protesting against the regulation. They point out that this will have a negative impact on the trade sector. Traders said that a year is held up depending on seasonal trade.
There is no daily control this time,
Although e-pass has been made mandatory, Nilgiri District Collector M. Aruna said that there will be no daily control in the case of tourists this time. The purpose of e-pass is to collect information such as how many tourists are coming to the Nilgiris district and the number of vehicles. This information will be used by the expert team for the study.
Passengers say that
will be difficult for travelers to require an e-pass for all those who enter Nilgiris. There are many travelers who enter Nilgiris and go to Wayanad via Dewala, Pantallur and Karnataka via Gudalur-Mutumala etc. All of them are in a situation where they need to get an e-pass. There are many people who go to various places in the Nilgiris for business purposes every day. There is also concern that it will take time to cross the border check post due to e-pass verification. It is also pointed out that the inspection should be done at the entrance to the Ooty.
E-Pass will be mandatory from May 7 for visits to Edakkara and Ooty, check at Nilgiri border checkposts. All those entering the Nilgiris, even if the journey is not to Ooty, need an e-pass. E-pass is obtained through the website epass.tnega.org. Information such as number of vehicle entering Nilgiris, number of visitors, number of days staying and place of residence should be provided.