Home Information How to cancel your KSRTC ticket and what are the cancellation charges?

How to cancel your KSRTC ticket and what are the cancellation charges?


Here is how to cancel your booked KSRTC ticket. You can cancel your ticket simply by using the PNR number on your ticket and the ticket number. Upon cancellation, the remaining balance minus your cancellation charge will be available in your account.

Steps to cancel KSRTC ticket.

  • Visit the website https://www.onlineksrtcswift.com/
  • Click on the Cancel button in the main menu.
  • In the Enter PNR field, type the PNR number on your ticket followed by a hyphen ( – ) followed by your ticket number.
  • Then click on CANCEL TICKET button.
  • Now in the Cancel Ticket for section, you can see the details that were given when we booked, and you have to select the ticket to be cancelled.
  • Then click on CANCEL TICKET button.
    Now you can see that Your ticket has been canceled successfully

If there is a cancellation charge, the remaining amount minus the cancellation charge will be credited to the bank where you booked within 7 banking days.

How to charge cancellation charges

  • If canceled 72 hours before the departure of the vehicle, the base fare will be fully refunded and no cancellation charge will be charged.
  • Cancellation between 72 hours and 48 hours will incur a cancellation charge of 10 percent of the base rate.
  • Cancellation between 48 hours and 24 hours will incur a cancellation charge of 25% of the base rate.
  • Cancellation between 24 hours and 12 hours will incur a cancellation charge of 40% of the base rate.
  • In case of cancellation between 12 hours and 2 hours, 50% of the basic fare will be charged as cancellation charge.
  • Cancellations after two hours are non-refundable.

KSRTC Swift Website

Visit : https://onlineksrtcswift.com/

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