With a massive collection of Rs. 235 crores gross, Manjummel Boys, a survival drama written and directed by Chidambaram, has emerged as Mollywood’s highest-grossing film to date. The Malayalam movie also experienced a sensational theatrical run in cinemas in Tamil Nadu and the Telugu states and is now gearing up for a grand release on the OTT realm.
The movie will soon arrive on Disney Plus Hotstar in 5 major Indian languages. Reports suggest that the OTT platform spent a massive Rs. 20 crores for the digital rights, which is huge for a Malayalam film. As per the buzz, the movie will arrive on Hotstar on May 3, 2024.
Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi S Poduval, Lal Jr, and others played significant roles in this movie, produced by Soubin Shahir, Babu Shahir, and Shawn Antony under the Parava Films banner. Sushin Shyam is responsible for the film’s soundtracks.
In which OTT platform do Manjummel Boys release?
How can I watch Manjummel Boys?
Is the Manjummel Boys movie available in Tamil?
What is the budget of Manjummel Boys?
Is Manjummel Boys in Hotstar?
Do we have Tamil movies in Netflix?
Is Manjummel Boys a real story?
What is Hotstar real name?
How is Disney Plus Hotstar?