Home UAE UAE going to be cold;  Suhail star is just a few days...

UAE going to be cold;  Suhail star is just a few days away


Price hikes signal the end of the heat wave in UAE โ€˜Suhailโ€™ The star is likely to appear within two weeks. Emirates Astronomical says that Suhail will appear on August 24. Society Chairman Ibrahim Al Jarwan. Suhail appeared in Sesham Mekhala, the only country in the 40-day โ€˜Sufriyaโ€™. โ€˜will be the transitional period.

Arabian society has traditionally been a symbol of change.  Suhail is calculated from the rising star. As Suhail rises, the heat in the nights will start to decrease initially.  Later, the weather will start giving way to winter. The rise of Suhail. 100 days later, winter begins.

Suhail is the star most associated with Arabian belief. The arrival of Suhail Nakshatra will also change the length of daylight hours in the country. Day length will be less than 13 hours.  It is the second brightest star after Sirius.

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