Home KSRTC What type of buses Kerala RTC has?

What type of buses Kerala RTC has?


A – Kerala RTC has different types of buses including Ordinary, Ordinary Deluxe, Volvo, Multi Axle Volvo, Garuda Maharaja bus, Garuda King bus, Garuda Sanchari, Super Deluxe Air Bus, Minnal, Sabari Air Bus, Super Express Air Bus, Super Fast Passenger (SFP), Fast Passenger (FP), Limited Stop Fast Passenger (LSFP), Rajadhani/ Point to Point, Town to Town, Ananthapuri Fast/ City Fast, Limited Stop Ordinary, Malabar/ Venad/Thiru Kochi, AC Low Floor Bus, Double Decker Buses, Articulated Buses, Non AC Low Floor/Semi Low Floor Bus

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