IIM Lucknow is expected to release the CAT 2023 result soon. Candidates can download the CAT scorecard through the link available on the website. The date and time for the announcement of the CAT scores will be made available soon.

CAT Result 2023: The Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow is expected to release the CAT 2023 result soon. Students who have appeared for the CAT 2023 exams conducted on November 26, 2023, can visit the official website to download the scorecard. The date and time for the announcement of the CAT 2023 exam will be made by officials soon.
To check the CAT 2023 result, students are required to visit the official website and log in using the user ID and password. Candidates clearing the CAT 2023 exams will be eligible for admission to management programmes across B-Schools. Candidates clearing the CAT 2023 exams are required to apply for admissions and appear for the GD-PI rounds conducted. Institutions will provide details regarding the CAT 2023 admission soon.
CAT 2023 Result Date and Time
The result and scorecard link will be available on the CAT 2023 official website. Students who have appeared for the CAT exam 2023 will be able to download their scorecard through the link available on the official website. Although a confirmation regarding the date and time for the announcement of the CAT 2023 exam has not yet been made, it is expected that the results will be announced soon. Updates regarding the announcement of the CAT result will be made by officials soon.
How to Download CAT 2023 Result
The CAT 2023 result link will be available on the official website. For students to check the result and download the CAT scorecard 2023 they are required to log in using their user ID and password. Candidates can follow the steps provided here to download the CAT scorecard.
Step 1: Visit the official website of CAT
Step 2: Click on the CAT 2023 result link on the homepage
Step 3: Login using the user ID and password
Step 4: The CAT result will be displayed
Step 5: Download the CAT scorecard for further reference
How to Calculate the CAT Percentile
To calculate the CAT sectional and overall percentile the following formula will be used
P= (R/ N) x 100
P is the percentile score
R is candidate rank based on CAT scaled score
N is the number of candidates who appeared