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two major farmer protests happening in 2024

two major farmer protests happening in 2024:

There are currently two major farmer protests happening in 2024:

1. India Farmers’ Protest:

  • Started: February 13, 2024.
  • Location: Farmers are marching towards Delhi from various states like Punjab and Haryana.
  • Demands:
    • Legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops: This would ensure a fixed income for farmers irrespective of market fluctuations.
    • Debt relief: Many farmers are under heavy debt burden and demand loan waivers or restructuring.
    • Repeal of Electricity Amendment Bill 2022: Farmers fear this bill will lead to increased electricity costs.
  • Current status:
    • Farmers have faced clashes with police while trying to enter Delhi.
    • Government and farmer unions are currently in talks to resolve the issue.

2. France Farmers’ Protest:

  • Started: January 18, 2024.
  • Location: Across France, mainly focused on major cities.
  • Demands:
    • Higher prices for their produce: Farmers argue that current prices don’t cover their production costs.
    • Opposition to proposed reduction in state subsidies for farmers’ diesel fuel.
    • Rejection of a EU-Mercosur free trade agreement: Farmers fear this agreement will increase competition from South American imports.
  • Current status:
    • Protests have been ongoing with road blockages and demonstrations.
    • Government and farmer unions are also in talks here.

If you’d like to know more about any specific aspect of these protests, please let me know! I can share further information about the demands, timeline, key players, or government response.

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