Home Health Want to control your diabetes in 2024? Try these tips

Want to control your diabetes in 2024? Try these tips


Diabetes is a disease that causes many health problems. If not properly controlled, diabetes is a disease that affects all the organs of the body and paralyzes all the functions of the body.

Those who want to keep diabetes under control at least in the new year know some things to follow.

The food

Food is important. Dietary control is important to control diabetes. For this, it is not enough to give up or reduce sweets, you have to eat less calories. Avoid foods that raise blood glucose levels suddenly. That means you should eat foods with low glycemic index. Eat less calories like this. Eat four meals in eight meals. That means you can eat less without eating more


Exercise is very important. Physical activity, which means moving the body. At the same time, don’t do too much exercise. Walking and doing yoga are good for controlling diabetes. If diabetes appears on the skin with many symptoms and lesions, seek proper treatment. Wounds with diabetes take time to heal. This can cause infections. Check the sugar level accurately There are many ways to do this at home today. Fasting sugar in the morning and post-meal can be checked. If it is not under control, it can take definite directions. Try to maintain a sugar level of 70-180 mg throughout the day.

Sleep Problems

Sleep problems are one of the major causes of diabetes flare-ups. Sleep well. Get into the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Quality sleep is important. That means good sleep. Sleeping helps boost the body’s metabolism and blood glucose levels.


Reducing stress is important. When the stress hormone increases in the body, the blood glucose level increases. Stress causes high BP and cardiovascular problems. Try ways to help reduce stress. Yoga and dance are beneficial. If stress persists, seek professional help.

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